7 Daily Spiritual Productive Habits to Develop

8 Mei

You should aim to develop the following 7 Spiritually activities into habits so that you can hopefully continue benefitting from them throughout your life. I consider these activities as the spiritual ‘bread and butter’ of any Muslim. To develop them as habits is the essence of embarking on your journey towards the love of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) and constantly increasing in your eman, inshaAllah:

1) Pray the Sunnah Prayers before and/or after Prayer:

I know it’s easier to just pray the obligatory prayers and rush out of the mosque! However, when we realise the rewards we’re missing from not praying these Sunnah prayers we won’t leave them. Over the years I have learnt there’s only ONE way of getting yourself to pray these Sunnah prayers constantly: Get into the habit of praying them! They’ll soon become part and parcel of your Salah and your Salah will feel incomplete without performing these acts.

2) Remembrance of Allah after Salah:

Again, it’s easy to rush out after Salah due to our busy lives, though if we are honest, how long does it take to recite the supplications after Salah? (The Answer: 5-7 minutes!). If you’re not sure what I’m referring to, you may find the supplications atMakeDua.com. Nowadays you’ll find pocket notebooks/or phone applications with these supplications. Get into the habit of reciting them daily after each Salah to enrich your Salah experience.

3) Morning/Evening Remembrance of Allah:

Step 2 is also included in this habit. There exists a beautiful set of duas/remembrances from the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which he used to say before sunrise and after sunset. They are true stress relievers and energy boosters which never fail to make my days and evenings feel blessed. [You can find the duas atMakeDua.com]

4) Night Prayer:

Hamdulillah, during Ramadan we have the wonderful Taraweeh prayers to attend. However, outside of Ramadan there are many opportunities to still obtain the reward of the night prayer. If you’re new to night prayer or you don’t pray it constantly during the year, make sure you try to attend prayers each and every night in congregation at the mosque (particularly brothers), and give yourself a ‘no-excuse’ policy. Develop a habit of praying Tahajjud and continuing to pray them for an entire 30 days; this will set you on better footing to continue with the Night Prayer for the rest of the year inshaAllah.

5) Duha Prayer:

Here’s a Productive Muslim’s top secret to a productive day: 2 rak’ahs known as the Duha prayer which you may pray at anytime after sunrise till before the sun reaches it’s zenith (around 30 minutes before Dhuhr). The reward of this prayer is similar to giving charity on behalf of every bone in your body, and the energy and buzz you feel during the day is amazing.

6) Supplications before you Sleep:

You’ve just had a long day and you’re super tired. You climb into bed and you want to hit the sack… but wait! Before you do, can you give yourself just 10 more minutes to recite the supplications before sleeping? That’s all. Try them and find yourself experiencing the most beautiful sleep ever and waking up for Fajr easily, inshaAllah. For more information on waking up for fajr, constantly, everyday, without fail Read How to Wake up for Fajr.

7) Reciting one hour of Quran each day:

Notice: I said here recite one hour of Quran each day and not one juz’ or one Surah. The amount of Quran you read is not as important as the quality of your understanding. If you spend one hour reciting one verse but understand it fully, that’s more important and beneficial then reciting lots of Quran at break-neck speed yet not understanding a word.

So there you go, 7 spiritually productive habits you can develop throughout the year starting from TODAY!

source:- productiveMuslim

I’m a Muslim and I’m a Proud’s

Mengunakan WAktu SecarA BijAksana

23 Mar

Waktu adalah harta yang paling berharga yang kita punyai. Waktu berarti segalanya bagi kita, dan itu harus digunakan secara bijaksana. dari kita semua pasti tidak ada yang tahu berapa bnyak waktu yang telah kita lewatkan selama ini dan waktu yang telah kita sia2kan untuk kegiatan kita yang belum jelas mau kearah mana? dan bergunakah itu?. kita juga tidak tahu masih berapakah waktu yang tersisa buat kita n udah digunain bwt ap aj?

Ada pepatah yang mengatakan ” Waktu ibarat pedang, kalau kamu tidak bisa mengunakanya,maka dialah yang akan memengal kamu” NAh hal ini pasti mengerikan bila kita mengalami yang sebenarnya..! Apapun cita2 kamu, cita cita itu harus dicapai jangan dalam sisa waktu yang kita punyai, jadi cara kita mengunakan waktu akan mempengaruhi keberhasilan cita-cita kita_kan?. jika kita pada saat ini ceroboh: kita akan menghabiskan waktu hanya untuk bersenang2 dengan teman-teman,banyak menonton,banya pergi Shoping,banyak pergi baca komik, maka kamu akan kehabisan banyak waktu dan akhirnya akan bermuara pada penyesalan….remember bahwa usia remaja itu singkat qlo kita hitung2 sich sekitar 7th..namun efeknya bukan cma beberapa tahun aj tapi mempengaruhi keseluruhan usia kita sesudahnya..bayangkan aj g mungkinkan kita mau muda trusss…..Agar kita berhati-hati dan belajar menjadi bijak dalam mempergunakan waktu kita yang masih bisa kita jalani ini, kita harus tahu beberapa tabiat waktu itu…ok qlo gtu kita lanjutkan:

1.Cepet Berlalu

Waktu berjalan bagaikan awan,lari bagaikan angin, baik waktu suka ataupun waktu duka, namu pasti kamu pasti merasa waktu duka itu waktu yang terlamban_ya? dan kamu tidak menyadarinya. Tiba-tiba waktu kita liat tanggalan wah usia kita udah bertambah dari detik ke jam, dari jam ke hari, dari hari ke bulan,dari bulan ke Tahun, dan akhirnya bermuara pada ap? kamu pasti dah bisa nebak….qlo bagi pelajar wah tiba-tiba dah memasuki minggu ujian, dan tiba2 besok dah Exam, jadi jagalah waktu sebaik mungkin.

2.Mustahil Kembali

Hem ciri waktu yang lain adalah jika telah berlalu mustahil beeud buat kembali atau diganti, hanya penyesalan_lah yang tersisa bila kita g ngegunain waktu dengan sebaiknya. Setiap detik, menit, jam, hari, bulan,tahun, terlewat begitu cepatnya itu semua berlalu dan tak akan pernah kembali. Coba kamu ingat Pesan Ustadz Hasan Al-Basri! Beliau mengatakan, ” Tiada hari tanpa menyeru, ” Hai anak Adam, aku adalah mahluk baru dan aku menjadi saksi terhadap amalmu. Maka berbekallah dnganku: sebab jika kau sudah lewatkan tak mungkin bisa kembali sampai hari kiamat.” ada juga seorang sastrawan mengambarkan tentang tidak mungkin kembalinya sang waktu. katanya ” ketahuilah, seandainya masa remaja itu akan kemabali pada suatu saat, niscaya akan aku beritakan apa yang aku perbuat pada masa tua.”

3. Harta Termahal

Karena cepat berlalu, dan jika sudah berlalu ia tak akan pernah kembali, maka dapat kita artikan waktu adalah harta yang termahal bagi manusia. qli kita berkiblat kenegara lain yg dah maju,,,wah waktu sangat berharga banget bwt meraka. Waktu adalah modal pokok bagi manusia, waktu bukanlah emas seperti yang sering dikatakan dalam pribahasa selama ini, tapi waktu waktu itu lebih mahal dari pada emas,permata,intan,berlian,ataupun batu mulia, Menurut Hasan Al-Banna, “Waktu adalah kehidupan.” kehidupan manusia tidak lain adalah waktu yang kita lewati dari saat dilahirkan sampai meninggal.

Hasan Al-Basri berkata,” HAi anak Adam, sesungguhnya( kehidupan) kamu adalah himpunan hari-hari. Setiap hari milikmu itu pergi, berarti pergilah sebagian dari_mu.”

Di menunjukan sesuatu model yang menakjubkan yang disebut Kuadran waktu yang bisa membatuk lebih banyak mengemas lebihbanyak (terutama hal-hal yang penting) Kuadaran waktu terdiri dari 2 unsur yang utama, yaitu “penting” dan “Mendesak”.

Penting, hal-hal yang paling penting bagimu, kegiatan-kegiatan utama begi kamu, yang berkontribusi terhadap tercapainya misi serta sasaranmu.

Mendesak, hal-hal yang menekan, yang menurut perhatian segera. tapi tidak berkaitan erat dengan pencapaian sasaran Kamu.Sebenernya hal2 mendesak sich tak jadi masalah asal kita bisa membedakanya Ok, NAh Kita termasuk dalah Kuadran mana ya? qlo g baik Change it mulai dari sekarang ya…dikit demi dikit …Change is Healthy

sekilas gambaran kuadranya

Penting mendesak, Suka menunda.Ujian besok-teman terluka-terlambat masuk sekolah-tugas yang harus dikerjakan hari ini-montor mogok.

Tidak penting Mendesak,Si Yes Man. telepon yg g penting-interupsi-masalah kecil orang lain-tekanan sesama,

Penting Tidak Medesak, Suka Mementingkan Prioritas. Merencanakan-menetapkan sasaran-Pr yg harus dilaksanakan minggu ini-Olah raga-Membina hubungan Relaksasi

Tidak penting Tidak mendesak, Si Pemalas. Terlalu bnyak Nonton TV-Ngobrol tiada habis-habisnya-di telpon-terlalu banyak main game-mejeng dari mall ke mall, shoping-buang2 waktu

Menjadi begitu fokuskah pada hal-hal yang bersifat mendesak sehingga kita tunda2 hal yang penting walaupun tidak mendesak,seperti mengerjakan tugas sebelum waktunya, mengumpulkan referensi untuk ujian, atau menulis surat penting untuk teman. semua hal penting ini tersingkirkan oleh hal2 mendesak,seperti telepon masuk, temen mampir lalu ngajak ngobrol ngurusin masalah orang lain yg g penting dan hal-hal? ” HArus kerjakan sekarang juga”…………..

Sleep Routine

17 Mar

If you’ve started waking up early and working in those early hours of the day , you’ll find that it’s pretty hard to be consistent each and every day with this routine. And when you search for the reasons for this inconsistency, you’ll realise that it’s mainly because it’s hard to regulate your sleep; one day you sleep well, so you wake up early and can work hard. Other days, you don’t sleep so well and those early hours are pretty difficult to maintain.

Sleep, as any other activity we do as humans, can be optimized by planning well in advance and following a particular routine each night. You might think: “Dude, I just crash and sleep”. Well, that’s one way of doing it, but here’s another routine. Try it out and tell me if sleep doesn’t become a rewarding, spiritual and fulfilling experience for you after this.

The following sleep routine requires you to prepare for it at least 90 minutes BEFOREyou actually sleep. And it’s basically dividing those 90 minutes into 3 parts:


  1. One third for Your Lord
  2. One third for Your Self
  3. One third for Your Sleep


1. One third for Your Lord:

This starts with you making wudhu, brushing your teeth, putting on nice clothes and perfume and praying Tahajjud and Witr for Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) (Note: If you prefer to wake up before Fajr to pray these night prayers then definitely go with that. However, if you can’t trust yourself to wake up that early, it’s better that you pray Tahajjud and Witr Salah BEFORE you sleep). This is my favourite part of the sleep routine and favourite part of the day!


It’s such a calming experience after going through a long hard day, to stand in front of your Lord, recite His verses, supplicate to Him and ask Him of whatever you desire in this world and the Next. Do this for a couple of nights and you wouldn’t want to give up doing it! In fact, throughout your day, you’ll be anticipating this moment and looking forward to it!


2. One third for Your Self:

This is where you prepare yourself for sleep by putting on your pyjamas, getting into bed and reading a good book for at least 30 minutes. If you’re like me, ideas and thoughts will keep popping into your head as you read, and you will want to save them for later. For these, I have a plain notebook and pen/pencil next to me to scribble anything (and I mean anything) that pops in my head! You’ll be surprised how many great ideas originate from these 30 minutes.


Alternatively, instead of reading, you may spend these 30 minutes brainstorming on a plain notebook any ideas,plans, and projects you have in mind. You don’t have to come up with the ‘perfect’ idea/solution, but simply brainstorm as much as you can then literally “sleep on it” (as the saying goes). In the morning, you’ll be surprised at what your sub-conscious mind brings forth for you.


3. One third for Your Sleep:

I’ve said that this is a third for your sleep, but truly this is a third for your Lord to bless your sleep, and basically this involves going through the duas and verses that one should recite before sleeping as per the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These include reciting Surah Al-Mulk and Surah Al-Sajdah and other supplications recommended before sleeping. For me, this last part of the routine is like the cherry on top of the cake! Nothing fills you with more tranquility than to sleep having uttered the words of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala).


So there you have it, the  routine for Sleep. You may think it’s lengthy, but there has been no day that I’ve followed it, except that I’ve slept peacefully and woken up peacefully.


Hope it works well for you and that you have a good night  sleep – Sweet dreams!

By. I’m a Muslim & I’m Pround

Tsunami di Jepang

11 Mar



Setelah Indonesia di guncang sunami tepatnya di kota aceh pada tanggal 26 Desember 2004 yang bersekala 8,5SR yang berpusat di samudra Hindia (2,9 LU dan 95,6 BT di kedalaman 20 km (di laut berjarak sekitar 149 km selatan kota Meulaboh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam). Gempa itu disertai gelombang pasang (Tsunami) yang menyapu beberapa wilayah lepas pantai di Indonesia (Aceh dan Sumatera Utara), Sri Langka, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Maladewa dan Thailand. Sekarang ini pada tahun 2011 di Jepang di gemparkan lagi dengan Gempa Tsunami yang skla lebih besar dari Tsunami yang melanda Indonesia,di perkirakan  Tsunami di Jepang ini memiliki skala 9,5SR.

Karena kuatnya gunjangan akibat Tsunami di jepang ini diperkirakan terjadi ancaman untuk sejumblah wilayah negara, terutama untuk wilayah negara yang berada pada kawasan Samudra Pasifik, Khususnya untuk wilayah Indonesia sulawesi dan papua yang diperkirakan akan terkena hempasan Tsunami  dari Jepang.

Menurut Jan Sopaheluwakan, pakar geologi, jika dihitung dengan kecepatan pesawat terbang yang mencapai 800 kilometer per jam, Tsunami kiriman itu saat ini diperkirakan sudah sampai Papua. Dan sudah melawati kawasan Morotai, Maluku. Namun, Jan memerkirakan kecepatan Tsunami sudah jauh berkurang. Informasi terakhir, ketinggian Tsunami itu sekitar 0,2 meter. Namun, Jan belum bisa memastikan ketinggian itu berdasarkan data dari Tsunamiboy atau alat pasang surut.

“Kalau 0,2 meter itu di zona tsunamiboy, ke darat itu bisa lebih tinggi daripada itu. Tapi kalau itu adalah alat pasang surut, 02 meter itu tidak mengkhawatirkan,” jelas Jan dalam dialog di Studio Metro TV yang dipandu Frida Liudwina, Jumat (11/3) petang.

Berita Tentang Tsunami Jepang Terbaru. Jan menjelaskan, laju Tsunami akan terus ke wilayah selatan, seperti Papua sebelah utara, Seram di kawasan Maluku. Untuk wilayah Ambon diperkirakan aman dari serangan Tsunami. Yang kemungkinan terserang Tsunami kemungkinan adalah Kepulauan Sangihe Talaud. Namun, diperkirakan gelombang sudah jauh lebih kecil saat tiba di sana. Jan memerkirakan saat ini Tsunami sudah mencapai kawasan Papua.

Sementara itu, perkiraan Tsunami Jepang ikut menerjang kawasan Ambon, Maluku, sejauh ini tidak terbukti. Namun, warga di sekitar pesisir pantai, tetap siaga. Bahkan, warga sudah mengungsi ke sejumlah tempat yang dianggap aman dari serangan Tsunami.

“Berita Tentang Tsunami Jepang Terbaru” . Di bagian lain, aktivitas pelayaran di Pulau Seram, sedikit terganggu dengan kabar Tsunami di Jepang. Jadwal keberangkatan kapal yang melayani Pulau Seram – Pulau Ambon, dipercepat. Sedangkan kapal lainnya memilih merapat ke dermaga. Menurut BMKG,Tsunami ini diperkirakan tiba di Sulawesi Utara, Maluku Utara, dan Papua pukul 18.35 WIB atau 1935.WITA atau 20.35 WIT. Informasi ini merupakan pembaruan dari informasi sebelumnya yang menyebutkan tsunami tersebut akan tiba di wilayah itu pada pukul 18.00 WIB.

Maher Zain

31 Agu

biography of maher zain
Maher’s first musical inspiration came from his father, who was a singer himself, performing locally in the beautiful Mediterranean city of Tripoli – Lebanon. Fascinated by the music and instruments, Maher got his first keyboard when he was only ten and ever since music officially became part of Maher’s world.

The family moved to Sweden when Maher was only 8, where he continued his schooling, and later entered university and got a Bachelors degree in Aeronautical Engineering. With things changing around him, one thing remained the same – his strong passion for music. He would spend late nights at school with his friends where they would sing, rap, compose and experiment with music in every way. It didn’t take him long to realize that music became an integral part of who he is.

After being involved for a while in the music scene in Sweden as a music producer, Maher was introduced to RedOne, a gifted music producer who was fast rising in the music scene in Sweden. Maher started working with RedOne with Swedish artists, and later moved with him to New York. For a few years he was in the middle of the hot rush of the NY music industry, working with chart topping artists such as Kat Deluna on her debut album which included smash hits ‘Whine up’ and ‘Run the Show’.

Maher had what many would describe as a dream job for someone so young in such a glamorous business, but for Maher it felt like this was far from what he would call ‘the dream’, “I loved the music but I hated everything that surrounded it, it always felt like something wasn’t right”. RedOne was on the verge of breaking into the big time, going on to work with artists like Akon, Lady Gaga, Enrique Iglesias, Brandy, New Kids on the Block, and Michael Jackson to mention just a few, and becoming one of the most sought-after music producers in the world. Maher however was restless and eventually decided that the music industry and all that surrounded wasn’t the right place for him and he returned to Sweden. It wasn’t until he met a group of brothers who were active in the Islamic community in Stockholm and he started regularly attending his local mosque that he felt like he’d reached ‘home’.

Maher feels blessed to able to finally find the right way, and feels like it’s his turn now to help others through his music to do the same: “If I had one thing I’d like to tell people out there it would be that it’s so easy to see the right way if we just open our eyes and look properly; that’s what happened to me.”

p/s: dia labenon rupanya..no wonder la best coz penyanyi from labenon biasanya album dia meletop!n arab pun suka lagu2 org labenon ni..tapi kalu wanitanya plak seksi yang menyeksakan mata!=)


Halo dunia!

31 Agu

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